Some of the Wood
Here is another pile of wood I just came up with for the lathe. These were trunks of cedar trees blown over in 1999, the rest of the tree was cut up and gone back then. There is a photo of these trees in a picture taken in 1874, so this is old growth wood. Now to see what I can make from it.
Was also given a part of a walnut log cut many years ago.
Did make my first large bowl from this log.
Starting to run low on wood, I hope spring gets here soon so I can cut some more trees down.
This is the method I use when I want to saw a round log on the bandsaw. I only had this small blank to demo with but I use a bar clamp to use a a lever or handle to keep the log from spinning when it contacts the blade. For larges chunks I have actually put a clamp on both ends of the log as handles, then the cutofff and waste side have their own handles to keep them from spinning and the long handles give better control for moving the log into the blade.
New pile of wood waiting to turn.
There was a storm in the area and some trees were trimmed and some cut down. I ended up with a lot of Crabapple, some silver maple, aromatic cedar and Smoke tree wood is the yellow looking stuff in the smaller pile.
My newest haul, a walnut tree on November 1st. Then I restacked the wood shown above. This is hopefull my supply until spring.
Just picked up another walnut tree. There is still a 10 foot trunk I need to go get next week. The big 17' butt of the log in the first picture is the top of that trunk peice I still have waiting..
Here it is on the pile with what I had on hand already.The 2 big ones on the left of the first picture are the trunk section. Now I have enough to last a few months I think.
This is not what you want to find in your wood. Some ash given to me by a friend. Another guy received some of the same wood and found to worm first, so I was on the lookout for one in my wood too. Well I found him before I turned him up. If I had hit him I would have sure been glad I was wearing a full face sheild. I think it is a Carpenterworm.
Can't seem to get ahead on the wood pile. Still had some left to turn and another load to go pick up. And the worse part is there is still at least that much more walnut he is cutting down that I need to get this week or next week.
After burning up 2 smaller electric chain saw I finally bought the big one. My first electric saw was a Poulan Pro 18" model, it lasted about 3 months. Then I bought the more powerfull McCulloch 16" electric and it lasted about 82 days. So I now have the Stihl 220 with a 20" bar. Here is a crotch I just cut with it today. Seemed to have power left even with the bar fully buried while ripping this crotch. Next to see how long it can take this type of use.
Another ash log delivered to my driveway on the 5th of November 2009.
Now here are some pictures of cuttingup the last chunk just to the right of the big crouch. I am using a Poulan 3400, 46cc, saw with a 20" bar. I do not have any problem with power, just takes awhile to cut. This took me just over 30 minutes to cut this log into the slabs.
Another batch that is the crotch
And the last chunk, cut it in half so did 2 chunks to finish up the whole log on the 27th of November 2009. I figure 22 days to get it cut up with about all of it turned except this load is using up wood at a fiarly good rate.
Spring of 2010 and I still have wood left that was buried in snow. The pile of big logs on the left is about all walnut. The pile of smaller logs is a mix with some cedar, hackberry, ash, and walnut.
And now I came up with more walnut. I am getting overloaded with the stuff.
I am getting overrun now. I have about 80% walnut, some mulberry, cedar, hard maple,and ash mixed in around the front. And now a friend is bringing a hackberry tree to me. How can I use it up any faster?
I have now cut some of this pile up into turning blocks and roughed out bowls.