Pencil Puzzle
This is a pencil puzzle that a friend of mine has. The fellow that gave it to
him has died but never told anyone how it was made. Hope you can see from the pictures, but in hand none
of us can see any glue line where a part has been broken off to insert the
pencil, then glued back on.

More pictures for those who think I am trying to hide something. I have tried
to get all the details. I don't know how it was done , that is why I am asking.
These are large pictures so you can see the detail better.

Thanks for all of the
replies. I think I have the answer now. Just wetting the wood and crushing,
drill , insert, then wetting to bring it back. This was fun and interesting.
ANSWER from Joel Mueller
My uncle has a Nail Trick very similar to your
pencil trick. The "trick" is to boil one end for several minutes.
Then put the boiled end in a vise and squeeze it down and insert the nail (or
pencil). Then let the end expand back to it's original size. I've never tried
it but he as made several using this method. Good luck.
Another solution:
Plus here is a link to pictures of the solution:
Here is a video:
Another puzzle about the same

Rick--------I went to a Woodcarvers show here in
Wichita this morning and while looking around I found a puzzle similar to the
pencil trick except it only had 3 or 4 notches in it and he had a big
wood screw through the holes. I talked to the gentleman for some time and told
him about the one you have and that you were trying to find someone who could
figure it out. Apparently he makes these all the time and after some
questioning he finally told me how he makes them.
Here's how:
saw out the piece on a band saw making any number of
notches. Stand upright in a pan of very hot water. It should only come to the
first notch. After it has set for about 15-20 minutes take it out of the
water and place the piece in a vise and tighten down hard to compress
the wet end to the bottom level of the other notches. Let it set in the vise
for 2-3 days until completely dry. Take it out and then drill the holes
through the other notches. The end will stay compressed until you have
drilled the holes and inserted either a pencil or a screw. Then, place the end
back into the water and let it soak for a while . The compressed end will
return to its original shape. And, use only basswood. Enclosing a couple of
pictures of his item.